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Incoming Freshman Info

Incoming Freshmen

Going into your Freshman year can be both exciting and scary. This page will give you all the information that you need to prepare for your first year at Winfield High School.

Course requests for the 2024-2025 school year need to turned in by May 1, 2024.

Scheduling Form-Incoming Freshman

 Students can complete this form as many times as they need to and counselors will use the last form submitted to create their schedules for the 2024-2025 academic year.  






  • Each spring you will be given information regarding the next school year and you will select your classes. If needed, you may also review your four-year plan with your counselor to ensure you are taking the classes you need to meet graduation requirements. 
  • Schedule changes will be made for a limited time at the beginning of each semester and are considered on a case-by-case basis. 


  • Semester grades are used to calculate your Grade Point Average (GPA) and are recorded on your transcript 
  • Freshmen will not have a recorded GPA until the end of 1st semester of their freshman year. 
  • Earning passing grades is important every semester of high school and will make sure that you graduate on time with your class  
  • Check your grades weekly to make sure you are not missing work 





Incoming Freshman